About Us

DSC02741I am a lover of the printed word, books of all shapes, sizes, and subjects.  I teach part time, have a soon to be three year old daughter, and in my rare moments of free time I read!  I love encouraging others to read and sharing some of my favorite books.  Reading can be fun, reading can be relaxing, reading can be educational, reading can provide an outlet, reading can take you to a new world!

DSC00416Kelly – I am a bibliophile, a book lover, a reader for as long as I can remember.  The library has long been one of my favorite places in the world.  I can spend hours wandering the stacks and have on occasion done exactly that.  I am a teacher, currently teaching elementary technology classes.  I am a mom of one boy, who until September 2013 has been a reader only to the extent that he is capable of reading but did not do it by choice.  He is finally a bookworm, choosing to sit and read for fun.  I’m thrilled beyond belief. Now if I could only get him to take a suggestion from me on books he should read 😉  I hope I can introduce others to some new books and maybe even some old ones that are great escapes for me.  I’m a big series reader so I’ll be sharing lots of those as well.

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